As the newest Eduma Online Learning (EOL) version is out, we are pleased to announce that the LearnPress Profile has undergone some major changes. The new profile does not only give users a new look, but it provides a new and better UX for the instructors and the learners.
The improvements include increase in speed, enhancements that increase efficiency, and new features that allow for individualization of every profile. The following improvements have been made in order to illustrate how the usage of such a learning platform can be enhanced.
Access LearnPress Profile with New UX
With this new update, instructors and students can now access LearnPress Profile with a new, more modern and elegant UX. We have simplified the design, cut out unnecessary elements and made uniform accessibility.
Now, it is only necessary to click a user’s name on the drop list to go to a LearnPress profile, making it even more user friendly and coherent.

Course Listing Layout: Cleaner and More Intuitive
The structure of the newly introduced Course Listing has been updated in view of making the navigation of courses better and easier.

We have redesigned the layout towards simplicity, giving users only the vital information they need to see at a glance. Every course appears with a bold heading, short information, and progress bars that have been redesigned. Furthermore, Eduma Online Learning’s design principles have been adhered to for this design in order to create a neat and uniform look throughout the platform.
The design tweaks make it easier for instructors to find course options without unnecessary distractions. Visual improvements like optimized spacing, updated fonts, and contrast adjustments improve readability and accessibility.
My Courses Layout: Modern and Optimized
Utilizing the ideas of the users, we have made major changes to the My Courses Layout improvement, thus, making it attractive and more functional.
This layout is simple and quick to use as it avoids long waiting period before the user can have a glance of his/her active, completed and in progress courses.
It not only looks good on a large screen but comes with a modern fluid design so that it adjusts to tablets and cell phones too without compromising the quality. With easy yet appealing navigation and course cards, users can easily go to the course and see how much progress they have made, as well as continue the course from their profile.
Synchronized Other Tabs for a Unified Experience
Apart from the course listing improvements, the LearnPress profile update has also brought the other tabs including Co-Instructor, Withdrawal, Quizzes, Assignments, Orders among others to a similar look. Each tab now has a distinctive design that incorporates with that of Eduma Online Learning making it more pleasing to the eye.
This restructuring of the tabs is a major advantage to the administrators, instructors, and students as they are able to get important tools and indicators with ease.
Enhanced Settings Tab with Profile Cover Customization
Coming with the EOL update, users can now edit their profiles by adding, changing, or removing cover photos. This makes each profile more personal, allowing users to express themselves in a way that they feel is right for them.
Additionally to the cover photo customisation, the Settings Tab now also works in conjunction with Eduma Online Learning hence allowing more customizations such as changing basic details, avatar and so on. This way, user profiles are kept uniform attractive and coherent with the Eduma platform, ensuring a more fluid interaction with the different devices.
Eduma Online Learning’s LearnPress Profile update combines functionality with modern design and provides an enhanced learning environment than the previous Eduma. With faster load times, similarly organized sections, and the ability to deliver different profile experiences, a more aesthetically pleasing and effective platform has been created for instructors and learners.
Upgrade to Eduma Online Learning Today and Transform Your Profile!
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