Education WordPress Starter Theme For LearnPress (Free)

EduPress is a beautiful, clean and FREE Education WordPress Theme for any university, schools, training centers or even instructors, coaches. It can also be used as an e-Learning portal and Learning Management System (LMS) for schools and corporates.

Price: Original price was: $39.Current price is: $0.


EduPress is a beautiful, clean and FREE Education WordPress Theme for any university, schools, training centers or even instructors, coaches.

Compatible up to: Latest version of WordPress
Updated on: 2 days ago
Active Installs: 31,704+

Price: Original price was: $39.Current price is: $0.

Why EduPress is The Best Free Education WordPress Theme?

Most Used WordPress Plugins: LearnPress Plugin


Built based on LearnPress, the best LMS plugin for WordPress with 100,000 active installs. You can easily create courses, lessons and quizzes effortless with ease in LMS WordPress Theme. LearnPress give this free education WordPress them powerful to create and sell courses online.

Resposive Design

Responsive design on EduPress makes your websites faster, more accessible, and easier to navigate.
Easier for students to then find the information they are looking for and not only are students staying on your site for longer, but they are also far more likely to turn into paying customers or subscribers.

Responsive EduPress
Elementor on EduPress

Easy to build with Elementor

The LearnPress Course Widget helps users create stunning online course showcases with the help of LearnPress. Using the Elementor widget, you can automatically use courses from LeanPress LMS and add effects and styles.

Pre-built Inner Pages for Faster Development

Adding your content’s all you need to do. Just import and start editing!

EduPress inner pages
EduPress profile page

Beautiful Profile Page

Profile page is ready for both users in student role and instructor role. The menu has the most useful items which make users feel comfortable and increases usability.

Powerful Add-ons but Free

EduPress is equiped a bundle with eight free LearnPress add-ons. With this bundle, users can have an amazing LMS website in minutes.

EduPress add-ons

UI Kit for Education Website

When we talk about UI/UX, it is not a lie. EduPress is on Figma as an UI Kit for Education & Online Learning Websites. Now you can learn how we designed EduPress or simply turn it into your website.

search engine optimization

Ultimate SEO Optimization

Using EduPress is a great way to get your education website ranked significantly higher on search engines.

Customer Service

5 STAR Customer Service

Having been established since 2007, we understand that customer service is the key to success for online business.

Well Documented

Well Documented

We prepare a full detailed documentation which will help customers easy to set up every step without technology knowledge.

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