Education WordPress Theme

most popular wordpress plugin

15+ Most Popular WordPress Plugins

Let me guess, are you finding the best one in the Most Popular WordPress Plugins to expand features? However, you will lose the way in the ocean of WordPress Plugins. The reason for this is that you don’t have the target in advance for your page. Don’t worry if you are…

learnpress shortcodes

The Complete List Of LearnPress Shortcodes

Are you looking for the complete list of LearnPress Shortcodes?   LearnPress is the top #1 WordPress LMS plugin that you can quickly download on It’s a great solution for creating, managing, and selling online courses with simple clicks. Of course, if you have LearnPress, you’ll have a chance to…

learnpress wordpress themes

8+ Best WordPress Education Themes Powered by LearnPress

LMS Websites have become the most convenient and popular solution for students recently, especially during the COVID-19 time. That’s why many people look for the top WordPress education themes to create an online learning website like Udemy or Coursera. And of course, they will notify you about LearnPress – The…

learnpress gamipress

How to Add GamiPress to your eLearning site?

Are you planning to add GamiPress to your eLearning site? Firstly, you should understand about gamification. Gamification is one of the best ways to make your course exciting and appealing. Plus, this feature is suitable for all kinds of eLearning websites, from a digital classroom for kids or an advanced…

learnpress payment gateway settings

Beginner Guide: LearnPress Payment Gateway Settings

Are you struggling to set up our LearnPress Payment Gateway? Worry no more. We will help you solve your problem in this beginner guide. Please note that we use the Eduma theme, the best-selling and most famous education WordPress theme on the ThemeForest marketplace, to set up the LearnPress payment…

How to Edit The Button in Eduma with Loco Translate

How to Edit The Button in Eduma with Loco Translate

When it comes to eCommerce and online shopping, the need to do A/B testing is almost always a priority. That’s why many customers often ask us about how to edit the button in Eduma. The reason is simple: even the tiniest detail can make the most difference. One such thing is…

How To Install Default Theme

How to Install Default Theme

In the previous post, we guided you on how to configure LearnPress plugin. In this post, we will show you how to Install Default Theme. Guide to Install Default Theme Firstly, open your WordPress admin dashboard, find Appearance on your sidebar, and select Themes. After that, click on the “Activate” or…

wordpress dropdown menu

How to Create a WordPress Dropdown Menu?

No one wants to have poor navigation features on their websites, right? These matters cause a bad user experience and a high bounce rate. Plus, visitors have trouble playing around and finding what they need on your website quickly. So it’s time for you to create a WordPress Dropdown Menu!…

Blogs About WordPress

15+ Best Blogs About WordPress

Do you know the best Blogs About WordPress to follow? If so, you have found the right place. Nowadays, people are searching for tutorials, guides, or information about some common topics related to this platform. Hence, blog posts can help them find the most amazing resources that they need in…

WordPress Mobile Themes

8+ Best WordPress Mobile Themes

Are you looking for a WordPress Mobile Theme? First, you need to know what a mobile theme is. It is a theme that works well on mobile devices, like desktop browsers. So when you view the site layout on smartphones or tablets, it will automatically adjust to fit the width…

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