Working from home is becoming extremely popular, particularly following the global pandemic, with many workers opting to continue working from home into the future, at least on a part-time basis. Therefore, for all those spending their working days at home, it is essential to get the right set-up. While at work, you are restricted by the equipment available. At home, you have the option to tailor the space to your needs and wants.
To give you a few ideas, here are some essential items for a home office set-up.
The Furniture of the home office
- Desk
Whatever your job, no home office is complete without a sturdy desk from which to work. The specifics of the desk will depend upon the space available and your specific needs. Ideally, you want to have ample workspace. Not just for the computer or to spread out your papers, but also in case you need more space in the future. For example, if you need a printer. Some desks even come with lockable drawers, which is especially handy if you deal with sensitive documents you want to keep safe and secure.
- Ergonomic Chair
Never forget you will spend your entire working day in your home office. Therefore, don’t skimp on comfort. You’ll live to regret it. An ergonomic chair is something you must have. It will save you future back pain, and ensure you maintain proper posture throughout the day.
- Tabletop Extras
On top of a chair and a desk, you may consider a few extras. These can include a lamp – particularly important if you work late into the night -, a laptop stand, a filing cabinet, a place to store stationery and office supplies. The list goes on. Before you begin, write a list of your needs, and wants, and decide what is essential, and what can be purchased at a later date.
Home Office Electronics
Naturally, you will need a laptop or desktop computer to work. However, there are other aspects of electronics to consider. Here are a few ideas:
- Printer
For many jobs, a printer is a non-essential item. However, if you need to do a lot of posting or hand-filling of forms, then a printer will be a must-have. Consider what size and quality printer you need. Today, you can pick up a small A4 printer relatively cheaply. However, multi-printers are available, combining printing, scanning, and even faxing into one handy device.
- Software
When creating a home-office set-up, it’s easy to focus upon the physical items you require. However, in the modern-day, the digital is just as important. Suppose your company hasn’t provided video conferencing software, or you are self-employed. In that case, you will need a platform from which to liaise with clients.
However, when on video calls either with colleagues or customers, you are self-conscious of your home. You may be proud of the home office you have created, but be aware, people have attracted unwanted attention due to the books on their shelf. Therefore, it is sensible to use a virtual backdrop. Virtual background images for Zoom disguises your home, replacing it with a swanky office or stylish apartment. Either way, no one will be able to see into your home, and you can maintain your privacy.
- Fast and Reliable Internet
When working from home, the lifeblood of your job is the internet. Without it, you are disconnected from the wider world. Therefore, it is vital to invest in the fastest and best quality internet service available in your area. If you struggle to get a good signal within your home, consider investing in a better router. It will help to boost the signal in your home. Many internet providers also offer a range of other signal-boosting devices, so get in touch.
- Monitors
Working on a laptop is fine for a time; however, if you are working from home regularly, you will want to invest in a decent quality monitor, or two. If you work in graphics, you will need a high-quality monitor with excellent picture quality. For most other jobs, a mid-level monitor will do the trick. Also, if you are short on space, monitors can be wall-mounted, on moveable arms, which can be adjusted to your position.
- Extra Storage
Finally, if you are going to be storing large volumes of data or you need somewhere to back-up your data, consider purchasing a secondary hard drive. Cloud storage is also a popular way to back-up in the modern-day. However, it doesn’t need to be either-or. You can have both, and thus, rest easy.
Consider purchasing a hard drive with enough storage space to use as a secondary backup in case you have trouble accessing cloud storage. At the same time, you must find out where the cloud storage provider stores the information and their privacy policy as well.
Home Office Addition
- Color
The colors surrounding may impact your mood. The psychological impact that color has on you should be considered when you are choosing a palette. When chosen with purpose, the color of the walls in your home office can enhance productivity.
green is considered to be the most relaxing color for your eyes. While green encourages the unwinding of the mind, it is also warm enough to promote comfort. It also has a calming effect that is believed to relieve stress. This is a great option for a home office because having excess stress can put a strain on your work.
- Natural Lighting
Make sure that you have access to natural lighting in your office. One of the best ways to do this while also saving space is to put your desk in front of a window. Studies have shown that having exposure to natural light has a wide range of health benefits, including increased productivity.
For instance, natural light helps constrict your pupils, which benefits the function and reading ability of your eyes. The reality is that our eyes are not meant to function with artificial light, but rather under full-spectrum lighting. Having exposure to natural light will help boost your productivity and improve your vision.
Working in a naturally lit environment will trigger critical signals in your endocrine system to help manage sleep, your moods, and your immune system. Get a better home office now!