Tutorials & Updates

LearnPress v4.2.3.5 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3.5 Update

Hi everyone, we would love to update the plugin LearnPress v4.2.3.5. Let’s discover it, shall we? LearnPress v4.2.3.5 Update Detail Changed: Checkout. Changed: Set 404 if the user does not log in and view the page single instructor/no-slug-instructor. Changed: Breadcrumb. Fixed: Case starts quiz but user_item_id = 0. Fixed: Expired…

Thim Elementor Kit v1.1.7

Thim Elementor Kit v1.1.7 Update

Hi everyone, Thim Elementor Kit has been a great partner for our users. Therefore, we would love to provide you with the latest version of Thim Elementor Kit v1.1.7. Let’s go! Thim Elementor Kit v1.1.7 Update Detail Added: The new Twitter icon. Added: Option “select Loop Item to all widgets…

Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising: A Great Contribution to Business

Before Facebook or any social platforms were created, the advertisement field only worked on people-to-people, newspapers, flyers, or TV. From the beginning of the social media platform, many businesses have been using it for Social Media Advertising since it is an easy but powerful method to open the customer range…

404 Page Error

How to Detect & Redirect 404 page in WordPress

Wondering how to find and fix the 404 Page error? When you surf the Internet, you may see a page with the status 404 Page Not Found. No matter if it is intentional or unintentional, it will cause a bad user experience for your site, leading to an SEO drop…

LearnPress v4.2.3.4 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3.4 Update

Hi, everyone, this is a small update of LearnPress v4.2.3.4 focusing on the class JWT library. Let’s go! LearnPress v4.2.3.4 Update Detail Fixed: Error “when you use same namespace class JWT library with some plugins such as Google Listings or Google Ads”. You can always download this great free LMS…

Assignment v4.1.1 Update

LearnPress Add-on Assignment v4.1.1 Update

Hi everyone, this is a minor update on LearnPress Add-on Assignment v4.1.1. Let’s go. Assignment v4.1.1 Update Detail Fixed: Minor bugs. Fixed: Item not detected completed with Content Drip. Fixed: Error teacher can’t evaluate mark point type decimal. Fixed: Error user sent Assignment completed will not count time. For more…

LearnPress v4.2.3.3 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3.3 Update

Hello everyone, this is an update of LearnPress v4.2.3.3 that will fix some errors in the previous version. Let’s go! LearnPress v4.2.3.3 Update Detail Added: The feature “chooses type Pagination when loading courses on page Archive: navigation Number, Load more, and Infinite scroll”. Added: In the feature “Downloadable Materials”, the…

RealPress v1.0.5 Update

Real Estate WordPress Theme RealPress v1.0.5 Update

Hi, it has been a long time since the last update of RealPress. Therefore, we will bring a short update of RealPress v1.0.5, let’s go! RealPress v1.0.5 Update Detail Changed: Advanced search enters keyword handle. You have the option to purchase RealPress right here, or you can explore ThimPress for…

How to Create An Online Course Marketplace Using WordPress

How to Create an Online Course Marketplace Using WordPress

Do you know that you can Create an Online Course Marketplace Using WordPress that attracts millions of students and instructors, like Udemy and Coursera? Udemy, one of the most popular online eLearning platforms, has over 59 million learners, 70,000 instructors, and 213,000 online courses in over 75 languages. Coursera, another…

How to Create an Online Marketplace Using WordPress

How to Create an Online Marketplace Using WordPress: Beginner’s Guide

Online marketplaces like Amazon, AliExpress, Etsy, and eBay are well-known and widely used websites where buyers and sellers can do business. You likely have experience with one or more of them. And if you wish to create an online marketplace using WordPress, you are on the right track. WordPress is…

LearnPress v4-2-3-2 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3.2 Update

Hi everyone, LearnPress v4.2.3 has been a super big update with many changes and updates. Therefore, the update of LearnPress v4.2.3.2 will fix many bugs inside. Stay tuned! LearnPress v4.2.3.2 Update Detail Added: Widget filter courses, option enables fields to want to filter, sort fields, option load widget on REST….

WEBP Images Format

WEBP Images: Why Should You Use for Your Website?

Finding something about WEBP Images? Due to the development of technology, websites are getting larger and heavier – because of data and media. According to research, the average weight of a site has increased from 523 Kb (2011) to ~3000 Kb (2022). When you load a big site, you will…

WP Hotel Booking v2.0.5

WP Hotel Booking v2.0.5 Update

Hi everyone, this is the update of the booking WordPress plugin WP Hotel Booking v2.0.5 with some changes on the display. Let’s roll out! WP Hotel Booking v2.0.5 Update Detail Fixed: Additional information displays HTML. Fixed: Error Search Room. Added: feature config info Facilities. Added: shortcode [hotel_booking_filter] Removed: library jquery…

LearnPress v4.2.3.1 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3.1 Update: A Small Update to LearnPress v4.2.3

Hi everyone, we released the big update of LearnPress v4.2.3 yesterday but today, we would love to give you a small update of that – LearnPress v4.2.3.1. Let’s see what has just been modified in LearnPress. LearnPress v4.2.3.1 Update Detail Fixed: function “Add a course to Order manual” Fixed: Security…

LearnPress v4.2.3 Update

LearnPress v4.2.3 Update: Massive Update for Users

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since the most recent update of LearnPress. However, we will bring you an enormous update of this plugin, maybe one of the biggest. Let’s see what LearnPress v4.2.3 will give you! LearnPress v4.2.3 Update Detail Added: Instructor page list. Added: Single Instructor…

LearnPress Paid Membership Pro v4.0.3

LearnPress Paid Membership Pro v4.0.3 Add-on Update

Hi everyone, this is the update of the add-on LearnPress Paid Membership Pro v4.0.3 with some minor changes. Let’s get going! LearnPress Paid Membership Pro v4.0.3 Update For more information, you can find out about LearnPress Paid Membership Pro add-ons or other LearnPress add-ons here. Read more: LearnPress v4.2.3.1 Update…

Embed Video in WordPress Website

How to Embed Video in WordPress Website: Step-by-Step

Are you finding a good way to Embed Video in WordPress? Just like images or texts, you can use videos as fantastic and lively widgets to attract viewers, engage pageviews, keep your audience around, and gain your site’s better ranking on search engines. Also, some content must be described by…

Sailing v4.2.8 Update

Travel WordPress Theme Sailing v4.2.8 Update

Hello everyone, welcome to the latest update of the Travel WordPress theme Sailing v4.2.8 with a major change in layout. Let’s go! Sailing v4.2.8 Update For more info, you can access the Sailing ThemeForest product page or ThimPress blogs for the latest blog post. ThimPress Development Team Read more: LearnPress…

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