LMS WordPress Theme

eduma education wordpress theme

Education WordPress Theme for eLearning – Education WP

The Only LMS WordPress Theme You’ll Ever Need Popular educational sites such as Coursera, Udemy, and Lynda.com make building and managing a complex online learning community looks easy. The good news is, with Education WP – a powerful and specialized education WordPress theme. You can get your own LMS, training…

how to create and edit mega menu in wordpress with thimpress themes

Create And Edit Mega Menu With ThimPress Themes

Ever since the release of Thim Core for ThimPress’s WordPress themes, everything in WordPress has become a lot easier. In the past, creating a mega menu was difficult and time-consuming. However, right now, everything becomes much easier and more customizable. List of Themes with Thim Core The below themes have…

best wp theme for teachers and instructors featured image

Best WP Theme Collection for Teachers and Instructors

Listed below is the collection of education-related WP theme for teachers and instructors.Malcolm X, a famous African-American human rights activist, once said “Education is our passport to the future”. Nobody can object to the importance of education, especially in modern days when the speed of technological development keeps rocketing, expanding…

elearning & lms wordpress themes

8+ Best Education Elearning & LMS WordPress Themes

Elearning & Learning Management System – LMS WordPress Themes are likely popular nowadays due to COVID-19 happening. The education industry, especially online learning is the hottest topic which is the best solution to keep students safe from viruses. Moreover, these kinds of online courses are much more flexible and convenient…

the 3 best education wordpress theme

The 3 Best Education WordPress Theme For Your Online Courses

Let me guess, if you have an educational organization, do you want to have a more optimized website? Moreover, you expect that your website must combine a lot of features and plugins. These things not only help customers connect and practice but also attract more learners in the world. So,…

learnpress gamipress

How to Add GamiPress to your eLearning site?

Are you planning to add GamiPress to your eLearning site? Firstly, you should understand about gamification. Gamification is one of the best ways to make your course exciting and appealing. Plus, this feature is suitable for all kinds of eLearning websites, from a digital classroom for kids or an advanced…

How To Install Default Theme

How to Install Default Theme

In the previous post, we guided you on how to configure LearnPress plugin. In this post, we will show you how to Install Default Theme. Guide to Install Default Theme Firstly, open your WordPress admin dashboard, find Appearance on your sidebar, and select Themes. After that, click on the “Activate” or…

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