Driving engagement and traffic to your site isn’t merely about writing the most relevant articles or using the best writing tool to create content. You also need to use social media platforms like Facebook to introduce or invite your target audience and drive traffic to your website.
How to do it? Well, here are some tips on How to Use Facebook to drive engagement, followers, and website traffic. So, make sure to take notes.
How To Use Facebook: Tricks to Gather Traffic

How to Use Facebook to Link Back to Your Website
This tip is an obvious one. Of course, you can increase website traffic by way of backlinks from your Facebook page. For instance, you can use the “About” tab on your Facebook page as one of your linking opportunities.
Just paste your website link in the Biography and Personal Information sections to link to your landing page, feature content from your website, or highlight special offers. You can also use the page milestones to showcase the important events that have happened in your business.
How to Use Facebook for Interactive Content on Your Facebook Page
Interactive content is one of the most effective ways to drive engagement on Facebook. According to a study, Facebook contests and quizzes are excellent tools to let people know about a company. They can also help you get organic traffic through your Facebook page.
If you want to start a contest on your page, you should see to it that it follows the guidelines for promotions. Make sure that Facebook doesn’t take any responsibility for the contest. Also, don’t ask people to share the contest on their timelines or tag their friends.
Facebook contests and quizzes are great ways to build your audience, which is vital to drive up traffic to your site. The good thing is that you won’t need to use complicated apps or software to run one.
One effective way to engage with potential customers and build a community around your brand is by creating Facebook groups for discussion and exchange. By setting up a group, you can attract people who are more interested in your products and services, and provide them with a platform to share their opinions, feedback, and experiences.
How to Use Facebook: Facebook Live
Video marketing is undeniably the king nowadays when it comes to increasing brand awareness, attracting leads, and driving up sales. Facebook Live is the best tool to achieve these goals.
Facebook Live easily catches people’s attention. You can tap this opportunity to invite people to visit your website or avail of special offers from your company. Since its introduction, live streams from Facebook get 10x the number of comments than regular videos. Searches for Facebook Live have also tripled.
How to Use Facebook: Make Your Updates Short and Catchy
Short and catchy updates get the most engagement on Facebook. That’s why if you want to share your blog articles from your website, make sure to add a short, witty teaser to get more click-throughs.
For instance, you can make a one-sentence or under 140-character count update. Just provide your readers with an idea of what the article is about. Keep in mind that many Facebook users are using mobile. Thus, the tip to keep your updates short and catchy is very crucial in this case.
How to Use Facebook: Ask Questions
The good thing about social media, particularly Facebook, is that there’s a feature where you can post a question and get a response from your audience. Asking questions on your Facebook page can generate click-throughs and help increase brand awareness.
You should make sure to ask short, witty, and intriguing questions to drive more engagement. You can also relate your question to your website content or blog articles. From personal views, trivia to fill-in-the-blank types of questions, you can assure that you can drive engagement from your followers.
How to Use Facebook: Post Lifestyle or How-To Blog Articles
Your Facebook followers don’t just need to know about your product or service. Most of them want some knowledge on how to enhance their lives or simply a place where they can communicate with other people who have the same interests as them. Thus, it’s advisable to share lifestyle or how-to blog articles on your Facebook page.
How to Use Facebook: Optimize Your Facebook Page Performance
Yes, you can optimize your FB page to increase traffic to your website. You can get tips on how to improve your page performance from Facebook itself, but I recommend that you use Likealyzer for that purpose. Likealyzer gives you viable recommendations on how to make your content more visible, and thus increase your website traffic.
How to Use Facebook: Share Content from Others
It may sound like the most illogical advice, but sharing other folks’ content is an excellent way to increase traffic from Facebook to your site or blog. After all, social media is a platform for sharing. Thus, it will help if you don’t shy away from sharing content from social media influencers, credible blogs, and your fans.
For instance, you can post blog articles from other people that are relatable and relevant to your industry and target audience. If you follow this advice, you will add more “brownie points” into your business.
Since more people appreciate sharing informative stuff, there’s a high chance that you can gain more fans and customers. Also, the owners of the content that you’ve shared will be more likely to share your stuff on their Facebook page or blog platform.
How to Use Facebook: Do a Weekly Review or Summary
A weekly wrap-up or review is a brilliant strategy to provide your followers with an opportunity to see the content you’ve posted over the week at a glance. Using this strategy can also increase the number of click-throughs and visitors to your blog. As such, the higher the chances of gaining more customers for your business.
You can post a weekly wrap-up every Friday because this day heralds the weekend, a time when people are planning their shopping. Compile the best of your blog content over the week, and make sure to be creative about it. Use images that are high-quality for your weekly compilation to catch the attention of your followers.
How to Use Facebook to Get Traffic: Final Thought
Facebook is an excellent platform to drive engagement, reach out to your followers, and increase your website traffic. All you need to do is to find ways on how you can use this social media channel to the best interest of your brand or business. You can take note of the tips mentioned above for that purpose.
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