WordPress Guide

WordPress for Education: A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress for Education: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will look at the possibilities of WordPress for education. We’ll check out its many features and see that even though it’s often seen as a social network, it can also work as a complete learning system. We’ll also dive into LMS WordPress plugins, education WordPress themes,…

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How to Set up Coupon in LearnPress using WooCommerce

For an online course site, having coupons is essential since it can help to increase your site’s revenue. In this article, we will take a look at how to set up Coupon in LearnPress and also how it works. In order to have coupons enabled in LearnPress, you must have…

how to change wordpress theme

Beginner’s Guide: How to Change WordPress Theme?

Do you know How to Change WordPress Theme? If not, you find the right place to help you. Unlike other platforms, WordPress is the most simple one for all levels to change and manage a theme easily on their own site. The first thing to remember is to keep your…

coworking website

How To Launch A Co-Working Website With A WordPress Theme

One of the most beneficial resources that are available to sole entrepreneurs is Co-Working spaces. These are shared work environments where people can work, network, share ideas, and collaborate on their projects. Such spaces allow entrepreneurs from different industries to work out of the office. Such areas let people spend…

learnpress woocommerce how to remove shipping information from the course check out page

LearnPress WooCommerce: Remove Shipping Information

What Is LearnPress WooCommerce? When creating LearnPress and Eduma, we try to add everything to the product. So sometimes you may see unnecessary details like Shipping information on the course checkout page. In this article, we will explore how to remove all unnecessary information on the course checkout page. How…

Embed A PowerPoint Presentation In LearnPress

How To Embed A PowerPoint Presentation & PDFs in LearnPress

Some of the most critical things for an online course, for a class, are documents, and PowerPoint presentations. Lacking these elements, even if the teacher did well with the video, the class’s effectiveness would still be lower. One reason is that these additional documents and methods of transferring knowledge mean…

how to start a website if you are a newbie

How to Start a Website If You Are a Newbie – A Detailed Guide

When you Start a Website, it í one of the best ways to either get a passive income or showcase what your business has to offer. Unfortunately, most beginners assume that the journey to getting an online presence is a demanding and intimidating one. However, that is not the case….

guide to manage a wordpress web development project

Guide To Manage A WordPress Web Development Project

As any web or app development company will tell you, the web development process can be tricky. This is especially true for WordPress web development projects. While this platform may seem deceptively simple to most, there are certain tips and pointers that elude even the smartest developers. That’s why this…

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How to Produce Quality Content with WordPress Blog?

As it is known, a blog is nothing without good content. You can spend a good amount of time configuring the social media, sharing your content, or adding advertisements but, if the content isn’t great, there are fewer chances that you would get an active audience. The very step towards…

learnpress mercadopago

Fix The Payments Of Mercado Pago With LearnPress

When you update the Woocommerce, WordPress announces that the Mercado Pago payment has a conflict. SOLUTION Surely, you can fix that errors by hard code on plugin Mecardo Pago, file: \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-mercadopago\includes\module\preference\WC_WooMercadoPago_PreferenceAbstract. Then, at line 184 or around, find and replace: $product = new WC_product($item[‘product_id’]);by$product = wc_get_product($item[‘product_id’]); That function has no…

default wordpress .htaccess file

How to Create the Default .htaccess File WordPress

Running into an obstacle when updating the htaccess file? Or perhaps you accidentally deleted that important file? Well, don’t push the panic button just yet. Keep scrolling and learn how to create the default .htaccess file WordPress so you can configure some additional settings for your site. What Is the…

wp favicon

How to Add a Favicon to Your WordPress Site

A favicon, or favorite icon, is a small image next to a page title on a browser tab. This site icon plays an essential role in establishing your website identity. If you own a professional website, consider using favicons if you haven’t already. Here, we’ll discuss the importance of it…

googlle site kit with wordpress

How To Set Up Google Site Kit in WordPress

Google Site Kit is a revolutionary plugin for WordPress sites that brings the best of Google tools to the websites. Introduced earlier this year, this plugin by Google helps site owners see key metrics and insights from four Google tools: The main reason behind the popularity of Site Kit is…

Scan WordPress Themes Malware and Malicious Code

Guides to Scan WordPress Themes Malware and Malicious Code

WordPress themes are an amazing feature that comes with creating websites on WordPress. If you are not someone who knows the ins and outs of coding, then creating a professional-looking website is still easy for you because of WordPress themes. Without fumbling with the codes, you can use themes instead…

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How To Setup WordPress Email Logs?

Managing emails that were sent out through your WordPress website can often be an overwhelming task for many WordPress site owners out there. Checking the status of these emails and ensuring that you are caught up with the progress on all of them can be manually tiring and confusing. A…

wordpress duplicate page

WordPress Duplicate Page or Post: How to Do it

Do you usually make WordPress Duplicate Page things on our site? Duplicating a page or post is not something very common when you develop a website. However, it would be a smart move of you if you usually duplicate pages or posts. Thus, do you need a testing field for…

how to delete a theme in wordpress

3 Useful Ways to Delete WordPress Theme

Do you know how to Delete WordPress Theme? After a long time of not using your theme or after installing a new theme but then you change your mind, you might wonder how to delete the theme in WordPress. To get rid of the old theme without affecting your site,…

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