WordPress Guide


Guide To Improve User Experience (UX) Of WordPress Site

Optimizing a website for a better user experience isn’t a cakewalk, mostly because the necessary tools and/or the coding knowledge don’t come for dime a dozen. But when the website is made on a platform that’s practically known and loved for its user-friendliness, UXO (user experience optimization) is significantly less…

how to replace a featured course image with a featured video

Add a Featured Video for Your LearnPress Course

Several factors can influence your students’ decision to purchase your course. Some may be drawn to the course content or the instructor’s reputation, while others might be swayed by a compelling Featured Video that showcases the course’s potential benefits. In that case, a featured image is not enough while adding…

wordpress user roles

Comprehensive Guide About WordPress User Roles

Understanding WordPress user roles are the most essential step to know and control the access of each user who is permitted to use your website. Of course, it’s not a problem if your website is fully controlled by only you. However, it’s a matter if you grant access for other…

how to change your wordpress admin login url 2021

How to Change Your WordPress Admin Login URL

WordPress Admin Login seems to be a new label to newcomers. Usually, they have to spend quite a lot of time logging in to WordPress. Besides, hackers usually use the method “brute force attack” to take control of your website. Here, they will try to break into your WordPress site…

wordpress hosting

The 6 Best WordPress Hosting Choices Guide

WordPress is the world’s most commonly used and influential CMS. When building a website with WordPress, choosing a good and suitable WordPress hosting host is also one of the factors that helps improve SEO and increase traffic. Therefore, website hosting is one of the main components of making a successful…

secure wordpress

How To Protect WordPress Websites Against DDoS Attack

DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service and has been around the same time as the world wide web. This type of cyber attack had taken down numerous sites making them impossible to access. Even today, businesses still are vulnerable to DDoS and lose millions of revenues due to this…

how to fix the http error 500 wordpress 2021

How to Fix the HTTP Error 500 WordPress

Imagine your site is working properly as usual and boom, your site crashes down because of the dreadful HTTP error 500 WordPress. It can come out in the most unexpected moment and leave you struggling to bring your site back online. Thus, this problem might come from the root directory…

responsive design

How Responsive Web Design Helps Tackle Common Issues

The digital nomads will agree that a website with a responsive design is the essential trend in the latest times. In fact, it is a compulsory trend to be followed if website owners really want to do their best. As per a statistic established towards the end of the year…

what the table ssource plugin can do user guide

What The Table Source Plugin Can Do – User Guide

What does Table Source Plugin do? Now, this is the real wild card of WP Pipes: the Table Source Plugin. This WP PipesAddon is in charge of reading data from any of your WordPress SQL Data Tables. It goes hand-in-hand with the Table Destination Plugin, which takes care of mixing…

WordPress create a website

Steps To Build A WordPress Website, What Will You Need?

Build a WordPress Website is something that beginners should seek help from experts. Are you a beginner feeling overwhelmed to get things stuck in your mind and follow the present trends? Or are you a low-tech person who is not so good at technology but still desires that knowledge? Don’t…

build a wordpress website

How To Build A WordPress Website For Beginners

We are living in the kingdom of technology where everything can be connected with a few clicks. Therefore, having a website to inform and advertise your organization is extremely popular nowadays. Yes, everyone considers build a WordPress website having a “scandal” for being too complicated, which worries beginners. We have…

How To Improve WordPress Website Speed: Step-by-Step Guide

How To Improve WordPress Website Speed: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you frustrated with your website’s slow performance? You’re not alone! Many users face this issue, but the reasons behind it can vary significantly. Website speed isn’t just a technical detail—it directly impacts your bottom line. Studies show that: This article aims to demystify why some WordPress sites run smoothly…

learnpress payment gateway settings

Beginner Guide: LearnPress Payment Gateway Settings

Are you struggling to set up our LearnPress Payment Gateway? Worry no more. We will help you solve your problem in this beginner guide. Please note that we use the Eduma theme, the best-selling and most famous education WordPress theme on the ThemeForest marketplace, to set up the LearnPress payment…

WordPress Change Domain Guide and Tips

WordPress Change Domain: Guide and Tips

WordPress Change Domain has become inevitable for WordPress websites when you deliver new goods and services or even expand and widen your markets. Therefore, you will have to associate your brand name with your domain. A domain name will represent your brand’s intentions and goals as well as be easy…

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