Do you know some SEO Power Words for your headlines?
Many times in your working period, why do your competitors receive more traffic and have better SEO rankings than your site? What you have done very well are:
- Doing better research on keywords and trends
- Writing better content
- Optimizing SEO, media, and social channels (such as Facebook)
Even though, your competitor sites still outrank your site. Yeah, you might forget one of the most important factors: attractive headlines. If you don’t know, the audience will read your headline 5 times more than your content. Therefore, we can say that 80% of your view will come from your titles. While the content may be nearly the same, the head title will be the hit.
What are SEO Power Words?
You may wonder “What Is a Power Word in SEO”. By definition, SEO Power Words are words with powerful meanings that people use to generate an emotional or psychological response. Also, they are considered powerful because they tend to push people to do something – view a blog, buy a product, or contact you for further work. Here are a few examples:
- Content marketing
- Social media
- Landing/Product pages
- Email marketing
In the era of digital marketing, one single word can change everything and make a big wave. Not only singular Power Words SEO but SEO Power Phrases can do the same. Otherwise, you can use some sentiment words.
SEO Power Words: Dividing into Different Types
There are a lot of methods to divide those Power Words for SEO but to conclude ‘em, we can minimize to 3 types below:
- Inviting SEO Power Words
- Emotional SEO Power Words
- Sensational SEO Power Words
Inviting SEO Power Words
Well, you can see that this type of work will naturally Attract or “Seduce” your viewers. By applying them to your heading title, you can draw your viewers to take action more easily. Also, they will (or maybe) put out the audience’s logical thinking and guide them to what you intend to do.
As most people’s cognition from the old time, “new” means “better” such as a new model, new guide, new post, new course, or new product. Also, you can notice the ways of attracting methods by using the “new” in a product name or a blog’s headline. You can witness it everywhere on SERPs.
“Free” is a word that directly runs & flows into your brain faster than any other word. Giving something free will help you push people to do things you want.
Especially, people sometimes abandon premium offers since they get something free. You can use it on both marketing plans and blog plans.
For instance, you can be admired free graphic design software and tend to download instead of premium & expert digital art software. Otherwise, you might wanna see this marketing plan:
Offer 1: $69 product + $1 shipping
Offer 2: $72 product + FREE shipping
Guess which option is loved more? That’s right, the 2nd offer!
A lot of e-commerce websites & brands use this strategy. The model of this will be: The shipping cost is low (<10$), the conversion is low, then the shipping cost is free, and the sale number is dramatically increased.
Why do you read this post? It’s BECAUSE you want to know about SEO Power Words, right? Yes, we are giving you a reason to do it. When you ask somebody to give you a favor, you can succeed more if you give ‘em a reason to do that, just like us!
For example, when you cut the line in a supermarket, you can think of 3 questions to ask them politely:
Question 1: “Excuse me, may I cut the line?”
Question 2: “Excuse me, may I cut the line, I have to buy this?”
Question 3: “Excuse me, may I cut the line, I’m in a hurry and have only 1 product?”
These are 3 versions of questions that you can ask for cutting the line. The 1st is a simple request, the 2nd is a bad reason, and the 3rd is a good reason, though.
This is a real experiment with the results of a 94% successful rate for question 3, a 90% successful rate for question 2, and a 40% successful rate for question 1. Therefore, you can see that giving a current reason will boost the success by over 50% and it doesn’t take you a true reason.
Knowledge of practical and immediate topics are very useful for users to get in action + share their content with other, and “How-to” content is the best way to illustrate a problem and ways to solve it. As with many other blogs, we have a lot of content with the phrase “How to” in the titles, such as:
How to Add a Link in WordPress: Starting Guide
Also, you can see that the “How to” content is very easy to share as well, not only on sites but also on social media – which will widen your social media’s audience range. However, you should remember one thing: Make sure you get the right content for the right title or your audience will rage at you and it will backfire.
So, to ensure that your content aligns perfectly with your titles, you should consider using a sentence rewriter to refine your writing. This tool would help ensure that your sentence structure resonates well with your audience and meets your goals.
Indeed, it is a simple but very effective strategy but be careful, though.
Emotional SEO Power Words
To be fair, people are also a type of animal but many elements define us and bring us to the top place in the food chain. Thus, one of them is emotions. Many studies have proven that people usually consider Emotions before justifying & analyzing with logic when getting into action.
Also, powerful emotions often get people to do the stuff in the headline, and eventually share your content on other sites or social media channels.
With humans, there are hundreds of emotions but they do not work the same way. As you can see, when you see content that raises your rage & anger, you will tend to share it with others. Why? Because you can express your anger and personal opinion by yourself. However, anger won’t help you sell a product or service. Interest or Fear may do something oppositely – help you get a sale.
You may not notice much but you may have read a lot of SEO Power Words. There, you will find one type of emotional Power Words in SEO used to keep readers on the blog.
There is an old slang “Curiosity kills the cat”. People are the same as we are often attracted to something we don’t know.
For example, we are used to being attracted by “Buzz” – a symbol of Buzzfeed or Yahoo! in the past. The audience’s curiosity is triggered to drive link clicks & make users stay on the site longer. To be more certain, it is an endless online-reading look.
On the other hand, with 1 post from your site, you can write different titles & introductions for different platforms. That’s where you can demonstrate the saying “The title is more important than the talk”.
Sensory SEO Power Words
Sensory words are the words that cause sensory responses and help your reader feel, taste, smell, hear, or see the true intention of your words.
A very obvious example is the way a restaurant or a coffee shop uses sensory SEO Power Words to describe their dishes/drinks.
SEO Power Words: Why Do They Work?
About Power Words for SEO, they are selected based on human desires. First, there are 8 essential desires of a person:
- Life enjoyment, joy, life extension (maybe eternity), and survival feelings
- Food/liquid enjoyment (creation & use)
- Sexual accompaniment
- Prevention of danger, fear, and pain
- Fair living conditions
- Being winners or superior to the other
- Care, love, & protection of loved ones
- Social validation
Then, through thousands or millions of years of evolution, 9 learned desires develop via societies, not what we are born with. The list is:
- Curiosity
- Being recognized
- Body cleanliness
- Life & work convenience
- Economy
- Efficiency
- Beauty showing
- Bargains
- Equality
Yeah, these desires will empower these SEO Power Words. Triggering emotional reactions plus the attraction of your title will make the audience click your page on SERPs and get in more action later.
SEO Power Words: Where to Find ‘em?
We gotta say that you can find them everywhere: on the heading titles, in the intro, on the headings, etc. Also, you will see them in headlines, blogs, online newspapers, articles, journals, and more. Wherever you write to get clicks, you will use/see a power word.
Like a coin, everything has 2 sides, and using Power Words for SEO can make or break your purpose(s).
SEO Power Words: List of Power Words
Here is the List of Power Words for SEO you can use to make your headlines fancy & attractive on media and SERPs.
We will divide the list based on the alphabet.
Alienated | Aligned | All-Inclusive |
Alluring | Always | Amazing |
Amp | Animated | Annihilate |
Announcing | Anonymous | Antagonistic |
Anxious | Apocalypse | Appalled |
Approved | Approving | Argumentative |
Armageddon | Arrogant | Ass-Kicking |
Assault | Assured | Astonishing |
Astounded | Astounding | At Ease |
Atrocious | Attractive | Audacity |
Authentic | Authoritative | Authority |
Aware | Awe-Inspiring | Awesome |
Awkward | Automatic | Authoritative/Authority |
Above And Beyond | Absolutely | According To |
Accredited | Accurate | Actionable |
Actual | Anonymous | Approved |
Admiration/To Admire | Authentic | Authoritative/Authority |
Advantage | Agony | Apocalypse |
Absolutely | Absurd | Abuse |
Accurate | Accuse | Achieve |
Actionable | Adaptable | Adequate |
Admit | Adorable | Advantage |
Advice | Affordable | Aggravate |
Aggressive | Agitated | Agonizing |
Agony | Alarmed | Alarming |
Buy | Backbone | Backdoor |
Backed | Backlash | Backstabbing |
Badass | Balanced | Banned |
Bargain | Barrage | Basic |
Battle | Beaming | Beat Down |
Beating | Beautiful | Beauty |
Begging | Behind The Scenes | Belief |
Best-selling | Best | Better |
Beware | Big | Billion |
Black Market | Blacklisted | Blast |
Blessed | Blinded | Blissful |
Blood | Bloodbath | Bloodcurdling |
Bloody | Blunder | Blushing |
Bold | Bomb | Bona Fide |
Bonanza | Bonus | Bootleg |
Bottom Line | Bountiful | Brave |
Bravery | Brazen | Break |
Breaking | Breakthrough | Breathtaking |
Bright | Brilliant | Broke |
Brutal | Budget | Buffoon |
Bullshit | Bully | Bumbling |
Backed | Better | Bestselling |
Backed/Refund | Because | Bankable |
Backlash | Bumbling | Buffoon |
Beating | Bomb | Blunder |
Beware | Bloody | Bloodcurdling |
Blinded | Blood | Bloodbath |
Cancel Anytime | Capable | Captivate |
Captivating | Carefree | Case Study |
Cash | Cataclysmic | Catapult |
Catastrophe | Caution | Censored |
Centered | Certain | Certainly |
Certified | Challenge | Charming |
Cheap | Cheat-Sheet | Cheat |
Cheer | Cheerful | Child-Like |
Clarity | Classified | Clear |
Clueless | Collapse | Colorful |
Colossal | Comfortable | Compare |
Competitive | Complete | Completely |
Completeness | Comprehensive | Compromise |
Compulsive | Concealed | Conclusive |
Condemning | Condescending | Confess |
Confession | Confessions | Confident |
Confidential | Conquer | Conscientious |
Constructive | Content | Contrary |
Controlling | Controversial | Convenient |
Convert | Cooperative | Copy |
Corpse | Corrupt | Corrupting |
Courage | Courageous | Cover-Up |
Covert | Coward | Cowardly |
Crammed | Crave | Crazy |
Creative | Cringeworthy | Cripple |
Crisis | Critical | Crooked |
Crush | Crushing | Complete |
Damaging | Don’t Worry | Detailed |
Danger | Dangerous | Daring |
Dazzling | Dead | Deadline |
Deadly | Death | Decadent |
Deceived | Deceptive | Defiance |
Definitely | Definitive | Defying |
Dejected | Delicious | Delight |
Delighted | Delightful | Delirious |
Delivered | Deplorable | Depraved |
Desire | Desperate | Despicable |
Destiny | Destroy | Definite |
Devastating | Devoted | Diagnosed |
Direct | Dirty | Disadvantages |
Disastrous | Discount | Discover |
Disdainful | Disempowered | Disgusted |
Disgusting | Dishonest | Disillusioned |
Disoriented | Distracted | Distraught |
Distressed | Distrustful | Divulge |
Document | Dollar | Doomed |
Double | Doubtful | Download |
Dreadful | Dreamy | Drive |
Doom | Dumb | Dynamic |
Data | Dependable | Deceiving |
Dark |
Emergency | Emerging | Emphasize |
Empowered | Enchant | Encouraged |
Endorsed | Energetic | Energy |
Enormous | Enraged | Enthusiastic |
Epic | Epidemic | Essential |
Ethical | Euphoric | Evil |
Exactly | Exasperated | Excellent |
Eager | Earnest | Easily |
Easy | Economical | Ecstatic |
Edge | Effective | Efficient |
Effortless | Elated | Eliminate |
Elite | Embarrass | Embarrassed |
Excited | Excitement | Exciting |
Exclusive | Exclusivity | Excruciating |
Exhilarated | Expensive | Expert |
Explode | Exploit | Explosive |
Exposed | Exquisite | Extra |
Extraordinary | Extremely | Exuberant |
Eye-opening | Elusive | Exotic |
Fail-proof | Fail | From the vault |
Failure | Faith | Famous |
Fantasy | Fascinating | Fatigued |
Faux Pas | Fearless | Feast |
Feeble | Festive | Fierce |
Fight | Final | Fine |
Fired | First Ever | First |
Flirt | Fluid | Focus |
Focused | Fool | Fooled |
Foolish | Forbidden | Force-fed |
Forever | Forgiving | Forgotten |
Formula | Fortune | Foul |
Frantic | Free | Freebie |
Freedom | Frenzied | Frenzy |
Frightening | Frisky | Frugal |
Frustrated | Fulfill | Fulfilled |
Full | Fully | Fun-loving |
Fundamentals | Funniest | Funny |
Furious | Foolproof | Fabulous |
Fantastic | Ferocious | Flawless |
Force | Fortunate | Foxy |
Glory, Glorious | Spectacular | Good-looking |
Guts | Grit | Greatest |
Grateful | graceful | Gorgeous |
Gambling | Gargantuan | Gullible |
Genius | Genuine | Gift |
Gigantic | Giveaway | Glamorous |
Gleeful | Glorious | Glowing |
Guaranteed | Graceful | Guilt |
Gratified | Gravity | Growth |
Greatness | Greed | Greedy |
Guilt-free | Grounded | Gambling |
Gullible | Glorious | Glory |
Graceful | Grateful | Goosebumps |
Hack | Honor | High and mighty |
Happiness | Harass | Harmful |
Harsh | Hate | Have You Heard |
Havoc | Hazardous | Healthy |
Heart | Heartbreaking | Heartwarming |
Heavenly | Helpful | Helplessness |
Hero | Hesitant | Hidden |
High Tech | Highest | Highly Effective |
Hilarious | Hoak | Hoax |
Holocaust | Honest | Honored |
Hope | Hopeful | Horrific |
Horror | Hostile | How To |
Huge | Humility | Humor |
Hurricane | Hurry | Hypnotic |
handsome | Happy | Horrid |
Idiot | Ignite | Illegal |
Illusive | Imagination | Immediately |
Imminently | Impatience | Impatient |
Impenetrable | Important | Improved |
In The Zone | Incapable | Incapacitated |
Incompetent | Inconsiderate | Increase |
Incredible | Indecisive | Indulgence |
Indulgent | Inexpensive | Inferior |
Informative | Infuriated | Ingredients |
Innocent | Innovative | Insane |
Insecure | Insider | Insider |
Insidious | Inspired | Inspiring |
Instant Savings | Instantly | Instructive |
Intel | Intelligent | Intense |
Interesting | Intriguing | Introducing |
Invasion | Investment | Iron-clad |
Ironclad | Irresistible | Irs |
Indecent | Itching | Intoxicating |
Jackpot | Jail | Jaw-dropping |
Jealous | Jeopardy | Jittery |
Jovial | Joyous | Jubilant |
Judgmental | Jumpstart | Just Arrived |
Joy | Joyful | To enjoy |
Juicy | Jackass |
Keen | Kickass | Kickstart |
Know It All | Knockout | Kudos |
Kinky |
Lame | Largest | Luck |
Lascivious | Last Chance | Last Minute |
Last | Latest | Laugh |
Laughing | Launch | Launching |
Lavishly | Lawsuit | Left Behind |
Legendary | Legitimate | Liberal |
Liberated | Lick | Lies |
Life-changing | Lifetime | Light |
Lighthearted | Likely | Limited |
Literally | Little-known | Loathsome |
Lonely | Looming | Loser |
Lost | Love | Lunatic |
Lurking | Lust | Luxurious |
Luxury | Lying | Legend |
Love | Loveable | Falling in love |
Lucky | Lewd | Lick |
Longing | Lure | Luscious |
Lush | Loser | Livid |
Magical | Magnificent | Mainstream |
Malicious | Mammoth | Manipulative |
Marked down | Massive | Maul |
Mediocre | Meditative | Meltdown |
Memorability | Memorable | Menacing |
Mesmerizing | Meticulous | Mind-blowing |
Minimalist | Miracle | Mired |
Mischievous | Misgiving | Missing Out |
Mistake | Monetize | Money |
Moneyback | Moneygrubbing | Monumental |
Most important | Motivated | Mouth-watering |
Murder | Mystery | Magic |
Marvelous | Master | Miracle |
Miraculous | Money-making | Mouth-watering |
Master | Misleading | Money-grubbing |
Nail | Nurture | Nurturing |
Naked | Natural | Naughty |
Noteworthy | Nest egg | Never |
New | Nightmare | No Good |
No obligation | No one talks about | No questions asked |
No risk | No strings attached | Non-controlling |
Noted | Novelty | Now |
Nightmare | Noble |
Obnoxious | Obsessed | Obsession |
Obvious | Odd | Off-kilter |
Off-limits | Off the Record | Offensive |
Official | Okay | On-demand |
Open-minded | Opportunities | Optimistic |
Ordeal | Outlawed | Outrageousness |
Outstanding | Overcome | Overjoyed |
Overnight | Overwhelmed | Open-hearted |
Optimal | Obscene | Orgasmic |
Painful | Persuade | Phenomenal |
Painless | Painstaking | Pale |
Panic | Panicked | Paralyzed |
Passionate | Pathetic | Pay Zero |
Payback | Peril | Perplexed |
Perspective | Pessimistic | Pioneering |
Piranha | Pitfall | Pitiful |
Placid | Plague | Played |
Playful | Pleased | Pluck |
Plummet | Plunge | Poison |
Poisonous | Poor | Popular |
Portfolio | Pound | Powerful |
Powerless | Practical | Preposterous |
Prestige | Price | Priceless |
Pride | Prison | Privacy |
Private | Privileged | Prize |
Productive | Professional | Profit |
Profitable | Profound | Promiscuous |
Promising | Promote | Protect |
Protected | Proven | Provocative |
Provoke | Psychological | Pummel |
Punch | Punish | Pus |
Power-up | Praise | Prevail |
Prosperous | Peril | Pitfall |
Plague |
Quadruple | Quality | Quarrelsome |
Quick-start | Quick | Quickly |
Quiet |
Radiant | Rare | Remarkable |
Ravenous | Rebellious | Recession-proof |
Reckoning | Recognized | Recommend |
Recreate | Reduced | Reflective |
Refugee | Refund | Refundable |
Reject | Relaxed | Release |
Reliable | Remarkable | Replicate |
Report | Reprimanding | Repulsed |
Repulsive | Research | Resentful |
Resourceful | Responsible | Responsive |
Rested | Restricted | Results |
Retaliating | Reveal | Revealing |
Revenge | Revengeful | Revisited |
Revolting | Revolutionary | Reward |
Rich | Ridiculous | Risky |
Riveting | Rookie | Rowdy |
Ruin | Rules | Ruthless |
Revel | Rule | Revenge |
Sabotaging | Sacred | Sadistic |
Sadly | Sadness | Safe |
Safety | Sale | Sampler |
Sarcastic | Satisfied | Savage |
Savagery | Save | Savings |
Savvy | Scam | Scandal |
Scandalous | Scarce | Scared |
Scary | Scornful | Scream |
Searing | Secret Agenda | Secret Plot |
Secret | Secrets | Secure |
Security | Seductive | Seething |
Seize | Selected | Self-hating |
Self-sufficient | Sensational | Senseless |
Sensual | Serene | Severe |
Sex | Sexy | Shaking |
Shameful | Shameless | Shaming |
Shatter | Shellacking | Shocking |
Should | Shrewd | Sick And Tired |
Signs | Silly | Simple |
Simplicity | Simplified | Simplistic |
Sincere | Sinful | Sins |
Six-figure | Sizable | Skill |
Skyrocket | Slaughter | Slave |
Sleazy | Sleeping | Sly |
Smash | Smiling | Smug |
Smuggled | Sneak-peek | Sneaky |
Sniveling | Snob | Snooty |
Snotty | Soar | Soaring |
Solid | Solution | Spank |
Special | Spectacular | Speedy |
Spell-binding | Spine | Spirit |
Spirited | Spiteful | Spoiler |
Spontaneous | Spotlight | Spunky |
Squirming | Stable | Staggering |
Startling | Steady | Stealthy |
Steamy | Step-by-step | Still |
Stoic | Strange | Strangle |
Strategy | Stressed | Strong |
Strongly suggest | Struggle | Stuck up |
Studies | Stunning | Stupid-simple |
Stupid | Sturdy | Sublime |
Succeed | Success | Successful |
Suck | Suddenly | Suffer |
Sunny | Super-human | Superb |
Supercharge | Superior | Supported |
Supportive | SureFire | Sure |
Surefire | Surge | Surging |
Surprise | Surprised | Surprising |
Survival | Survive | Suspicious |
Sweaty | Saucy | Superhuman |
Sassy | Stupendous | Supreme |
Striking | Strengthen | Spunk |
Stunt | Smart | Score |
Splendid | Sensational | Seize |
Tailspin | Tank | Tantalizing |
Targeted | Tawdry | Tease |
Technology | Teetering | Tempting |
Tenacious | Tense | Terrible |
Terrific | Terrified | Terrifying |
Terror | Terrorist | Tested |
Thankful | The Truth | Threaten |
Threatened | Thrilled | Thrilling |
Thug | Ticked Off | Tickled |
Timely | Today | Torture |
Toxic | Track Record | Trade Secret |
Tragedy | Tragic | Transform |
Transparency | Trap | Trapped |
Trauma | Treacherous | Treasure |
Tremendous | Trend | Tricks |
Triggers | Triple | Triumph |
Truly | Trusting | Trustworthy |
Truth | Truthful | Turbo-charge |
Tweaks | Twitching | Thrive |
Tender | Tenderness | Tough |
Titan | Thwart | Triumphant |
Trap | Terrorist | Tragedy |
Ultimate | Unleash | Unforgettable |
Unadulterated | Unassuming | Unauthorized |
Unbelievable | Unburdened | Uncaring |
Uncensored | Uncertain | Uncomfortable |
Unconditional | Uncontrollable | Unconventional |
Uncovered | Undeniable | Under Priced |
Undercover | Underground | Underhanded |
Underused | Unexpected | Unforgettable |
Unheard of | Unhurried | Uninterested |
Unique | Unjustified | Unknowingly |
Unleashed | Unlimited | Unlock |
Unparalleled | Unreliable | Unresponsive |
Unseen | Unstable | Unstoppable |
Unsure | Unsurpassed | Untapped |
Unusual | Up-sell | Upbeat |
Uplifted | Uplifting | Urge |
Urgent | Useful | Useless |
Unbeatable | Undefeated | Unique |
Unbeaten |
Validate | Valor | Valuable |
Value | Vanquish | Vaporize |
Venomous | Verify | Vibrant |
Vicious | Victim | Victory |
Vigorous | Vilified | Vindictive |
Violated | Violent | Volatile |
Vulnerable | Valor | Victory |
Valiant | Virtuoso |
Waiting | Wanted | Wonderful |
Wanton | Warning | Waste |
Weak | Wealth | Weird |
What no one tells you | Whip | Whopping |
Wicked | Wild | Willpower |
Withheld | Wonderful | Wondrous |
Woozy | World | Worry |
Worst | Worthwhile | Wounded |
Wreaking | Win | Wealthy |
Volatile | Victim | Vaporize |
Vulnerable | Voluptuous | Vulgar |
Valiant | Valor | Vanquish |
Youthful | Yearning | Yummy |
Zen | Zinger | Zany |
Zest | Zesty |
SEO Power Words: Final Line
Via the article, we think you have acknowledged the world of SEO Power Words. Since it’s a long post with a lot of info, take some time to process & understand them. Moreover, you should practice using these powerful words for your headlines & content.
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