
Choose Perfect WordPress Theme for Small Business

Choose Perfect WordPress Theme for Small Business

Choosing perfect WordPress theme CMS for your business website is the best decision you have made.  It is a robust platform that is based on MySQL and PHP.   WordPress is used by almost half of the websites on the internet. No one deceives the outstanding plugins and themes it amalgamates. …

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How To Set Up Google Site Kit in WordPress

Google Site Kit is a revolutionary plugin for WordPress sites that brings the best of Google tools to the websites. Introduced earlier this year, this plugin by Google helps site owners see key metrics and insights from four Google tools: The main reason behind the popularity of Site Kit is…

Scan WordPress Themes Malware and Malicious Code

Guides to Scan WordPress Themes Malware and Malicious Code

WordPress themes are an amazing feature that comes with creating websites on WordPress. If you are not someone who knows the ins and outs of coding, then creating a professional-looking website is still easy for you because of WordPress themes. Without fumbling with the codes, you can use themes instead…

wordpress themes for travel agency

TOP 10+ Best WordPress Themes for Travel Agency

In the past time, trips were usually booked from the current trip-booking agencies, usually offline. They’re also used to require travel advisory staff to give suitable advice to customers about destinations, sceneries, and other travel-related things. Therefore, advisers have to remember and be proficient in every single tour, and it…

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Tutorial to Integrate Zoom with LearnPress

Sometimes, you want to integrate Zoom with Learnpress but you do not know how to do it. Absolutely, This is the article for you. Step 1: Choose Zoom App First of all, you must connect to this website: marketplace.zoom.us to create A keycode of API and secret. Then you click the…

wordpress ecommerce theme

Top 5 WordPress eCommerce Themes for Beginners

In the 4.0 industrial era, online buying and selling has become more and more popular. People chose an easier way to buy and sell what they want with others through the Internet instead of going out as they did before. The most important thing customers look for on e-commerce websites…

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How To Setup WordPress Email Logs?

Managing emails that were sent out through your WordPress website can often be an overwhelming task for many WordPress site owners out there. Checking the status of these emails and ensuring that you are caught up with the progress on all of them can be manually tiring and confusing. A…

the history of wordpress

The History Of WordPress You Should Know

Are you using WordPress as source code for your blog/website? So have you ever tried to learn about the history of the foundation and development of WordPress? Where did it come from and what are the key milestones noteworthy? If not, take a few minutes to find out. Overview: The…

best ecommerce wordpress themes to check out in 2021

Best eCommerce WordPress Themes to Check Out

In the era of digital development, making an online business is becoming an indispensable part if you don’t want to stay behind the others. There are many platforms for online marketing websites, but WordPress is considered the favorite one. There are a lot of WordPress themes aimed at selling goods…

gardening & landscaping wordpress theme

Awesome Gardening & Landscaping WordPress Theme Reviews

The first step in creating a successful Gardening and Landscaping business in this era is, undoubtedly, having an appealing website to generate leads for your company. The more features and the more beautifully designed your website is, the more likely your customers are convinced to use your service and products. The above…

list of 5 best wordpress themes for life coaches in 2023

List Of 5 Best WordPress Themes For Life Coaches

These Best WordPress Themes For Life Coaches were created by professionals. They have all the templates and features you’ll need to expand your business, and they look stunning on desktop and mobile devices. Sell live event tickets, advertise your books and online courses, and even let potential customers schedule meetings…

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