
garage car dealer automotive wordpress theme

Garage: Automotive WordPress Theme For Workshop

After releasing the Sailing Hotel WordPress theme a short time before. ThimPress is digging into the car field because we are fully aware of how fast driving this industry is. That is the reason why we bring our newest item to your life: Garage – an Automotive WordPress Theme for car…

wordpress dating theme

Best WordPress Dating Theme for All Users

Nowadays, the dating website is no longer strange to us. They are created to connect people to people, giving them opportunities to make friends, love, and even marriages. To build a dating website, you have to prepare a lot of things. Thus, you must head to a well-functional online dating…

making money with wordpress

How to Produce Quality Content with WordPress Blog?

As it is known, a blog is nothing without good content. You can spend a good amount of time configuring the social media, sharing your content, or adding advertisements but, if the content isn’t great, there are fewer chances that you would get an active audience. The very step towards…

best woocommerce wordpress themes

8+ Best WordPress WooCommerce Themes

Choosing the best WordPress WooCommerce theme is not easy when you start your business. And, there are tons of WordPress WooCommerce themes that promise features that will work best for your company. We will highlight the topics that are the 8 best for you to simplify the collection of themes…


10 Most Awesome WordPress Themes for Food Category

Food is always one of the most attractive things on Earth (especially when you are hungry). However, the food itself couldn’t make such charms. It requires designs, orders, and beautiful decorations from the hands of the most talented chefs. Just like that, a website for food/restaurant also needs those factors…


Best Premium And Free WordPress Magazine Themes

Today, I will write about the best premium and free WordPress Magazine Themes. Why? Nowadays, social media has evolved beyond regular news, threads, and topics and also focuses on short news, virals, and vines. The power of social media is spreading, and the shorter the news is, the better it…

wordpress business themes

Best Choices for WordPress Business Themes

For all people working in business, you will need a lot of time to proceed with their contracts and related things. Hence, managing pieces of stuff to fit the routine is important; if not, either you end up messing everything up, or your customers go for other services, and you…

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Fix The Payments Of Mercado Pago With LearnPress

When you update the Woocommerce, WordPress announces that the Mercado Pago payment has a conflict. SOLUTION Surely, you can fix that errors by hard code on plugin Mecardo Pago, file: \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-mercadopago\includes\module\preference\WC_WooMercadoPago_PreferenceAbstract. Then, at line 184 or around, find and replace: $product = new WC_product($item[‘product_id’]);by$product = wc_get_product($item[‘product_id’]); That function has no…

wordpress travel themes

TOP 3 Responsive WordPress Travel Themes

Travel and tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, driven by the rise of 4.0 technology and constant internet connectivity. Today, travelers rely heavily on online research before choosing destinations, making a professional website essential for travel businesses to attract customers. Creating a travel website is easier than ever…

default wordpress .htaccess file

How to Create the Default .htaccess File WordPress

Running into an obstacle when updating the htaccess file? Or perhaps you accidentally deleted that important file? Well, don’t push the panic button just yet. Keep scrolling and learn how to create the default .htaccess file WordPress so you can configure some additional settings for your site. What Is the…

templatemonster wordpress theme

15 Best Premium WordPress Themes at TemplateMonster

Are you looking for the premium TemplateMonster WordPress Theme? If you are searching for how to create or build a website, mostly you will get the same answer ” creating a website with WordPress”. So why WordPress? WordPress is a well-known open-source and free platform. It’s truly easy to use,…

optimize wordpress performance

Tricks and Hacks to Boost Your WordPress Site Performance

If you run a WordPress website, but aren’t satisfied with its effectiveness, there’s a number of things you can do about this. You can tweak your website SEO, optimize CTA buttons, create new touching points and conversion getaways, etc. However, before you start doing all of this, go for the…

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Building a Successful Brand and Business

How to Building a Successful Brand and Business? – The idea of starting a business on the internet is spreading around the world like crazy. More people are looking at the internet and trying to make some extra money off their expertise and skills. This has made it easy for…

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