Paystack Addon For LearnPress

100+ active users

  • Many Payment Options: Payment can be done using a Visa, Mastercard, Verve, USSD, mobile money, bank transfer, POS and more.
  • Developer API: Facilitate payment integration into websites and applications with ease.
  • Real-Time Analysis: From the in-depth statistics that tell the story of transaction activities and what users are doing.
  • Anti-Fraud: These are the tools that have been put in place to prevent and detect fraud.
  • Worldwide Reach: Local plus international payment capability.

Price: Original price was: $19.Current price is: $10.

Secure Checkout
Version: 4.0.0
Last Updated: A week ago
Compatible to WordPress Version: 6.3 or higher
How to use
Discount 25%

The Paystack Add-on enables LearnPress users to receive course payments through the Paystack payment gateway in a secured manner. Additionally, different payment channels options are offered for cards, bank transfer, USSD, mobile money and more.

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Why choose Paystack Add-on for LearnPress?

How the Paystack Add-on for LearnPress empowers e-learning websites:



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